What is Wolfram Alpha???

Posted by Pradeep | Posted in | Posted on 8:37 AM

About WolframAlpha Search Engine

Recently on web, there are so many conversations are going regarding Wolfram Alpha. WolframAlpha is a new search engine which is going to be released on May 18th 2009. It's developed by Stephen Wolfram (creator of Mathematica).

Stephen wolfram planned to release it on May 15, 2009. As planned they have released on the same date, however due to over load they have shifted the public launch date to May 18, 2009.

Do you know the caption of Wolfram Alpha, it was “computational search engine”. It's completely a different concept of search. It's not at all a competitor for Google or any other search engine. Till now I was in assumption that it will occupy the position of google in future. Just now I have watched a scree cast from Wolfram Alpha blog.

Wolfram Alpha

In this video they have clearly explained that how it displays results for different queries. It was really interesting. If you would like to watch that video just click below. Wait for few mints it will take time to load.

Here I would like to place few screen shots of different searches of Wolfram Alpha, so that you guys can have a better idea about this computational search engine.

Search for "2+2" in WolframAlpha, to see the result click on the below image to have a larger view :

search for 2+2 in WolframAlpha.com
Search for "integrate x^2sin^3 x dx" in WolframAlpha, to see the result click on the below image to have a larger view:

search for integrate x^2sin^3 x dx in WolframAlpha.com
Search for "gdp france" in WolframAlpha, to see the result click on the below image to have a larger view :

search for gdp france in WolframAlpha.com
Search for "internet users in europe" in WolframAlpha, to see the result click on the below image to have a larger view :

search for internet users in europe in WolframAlpha.com
Search for "springfield" in WolframAlpha, to see the result click on the below image to have a larger view :

search for springfield in WolframAlpha.com
Hope you guys have some better understanding that how this search engine will display results in a computed mathematical way. In the above video every thing is explained well. Hope you have watched it and understand the concept of Stephen Wolfram. Feel free write your thoughts in comments.

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