How important is Google analytics?

Posted by Pradeep | Posted in | Posted on 8:43 AM

Importance of web analytics?

Web analytics importance
Web analytics have major importance in on line business. Tracking the history of visitors and keep doing research on analytics is must and should. We can know about visitors and their views through these analytics.

Analytics usage are increasing day by day. Analytic professionals have higher demand in the market. Everyone can't become an Analytic expert. It needs great thinking, visualization and case study.

Every On line business should take care about :

Bounce rate :

Bounce rate is something which will helps you to know that how visitors are going away from your site. Higher bounce rate means visitors aren't interested on your site. Lesser means visitors are happy to stay on your site. It's always better to make bounce rate 0%, however it's not possible, so it's better to keep it less.

Visit Length :

How long visitors are staying on your site in average? If most of the visitors are staying good amount time on your site means they are reading some thing on your site which is useful for them. So visit length always matters to know the interest of viewer on your site. According to this metrics you can optimize your site.

Visit Depth :

Visit Depth means "Are the visitor is showing interest in visiting the other pages of your site too?" If a visitor visited most of the pages on your site and spent good amount of time on each page says your site awesome. visited all pages and spend less amount of time is not good. Not visited other pages is bad. So higher visit depth helps to grow your business as well as brand.

Returning Visitors :

More returning visits means you have loyal readers for your site. If a visitor come again and again to your site means he liked your site and found it useful. These kind of readers are called as loyal readers. More loyal readers you have, that much popular your site is. It's very important to have more returning visits. Always try to increase the number of normal visits as well as returning visits.

... Most of the search engines will consider all these factors, to show up your website in top search engine results for a particular keyword. So it's important to make note of all these topics and keep working and optimizing it to succeed in your business.

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