How To Do SEO for Flash Website ???


Posted by Pradeep | Posted in , , , | Posted on 8:39 PM

Easy way To Do SEO for Flash Website

Flash gets a bad rap, undeserved in my opinion, for harming search engine visibility. Why are search engine optimization (SEO) practitioners concerned about Flash, and how can we SEO Flash content? Flash content is often heavy on images and interactive features, and light on text. As of 2008, the leading search engines are heavily dependant on text to understand the meaning of pages.

The leading web development tool, Adobe Dreamweaver, embeds Flash in web pages with code that fails to provide accessibility for visitors or search spiders who cannot handle Flash. Instead of using the default code, my recommendation is to hand code Flash pages with primary HTML content, and a method of automatically testing for Flash support before attempting to insert the movie. The primary HTML content can be search optimized as if the Flash wasn't there, while the Flash provides an enhanced user experience for those visitors who have the necessary Flash player.

The April 11, 2006 release of Microsoft's popular Internet Explorer (IE) browser includes an update ("Eolas") that prevents ActiveX-based Flash controls from working properly. When the user attempts to interact with the Flash, a tool tip appears, stating, "Click to activate and use this control." That extra click is an annoyance. In addition to helping search engines, the programming techniques described in this article solve the Flash Eolas problem.

Search Engines and Flash

Search engines have the ability to read Flash files and extract text and links. In particular, Google and Adobe announced a new algorithm for indexing textual Flash content on June 20, 2008. As explained by Rand Fishkin in Flash and SEO - Compelling Reasons Why Search Engines & Flash Still Don't Mix, and Vanessa Fox in Search-Friendly Flash?, hoping that search engines can decipher you Flash is not a substitute for providing indexable HTML content.

Requirements for Successful Use of Flash

Flash animation is a great way to present complex content because it allows the designer to put more content in a finite space, without wrecking page design. For technology sites, Flash is an ideal way to present a slide show or movie explaining a complex product. At the other end of the spectrum, art and entertainment sites have a real need for multimedia, and Flash is the perfect solution.

When using Flash, we'd like to satisfy each of these objectives:

  • Clean design
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Accessibility for a wide variety of browsers, including screen readers and mobile phones
  • Code validation and standards compliance
  • Correct functionality with IE

SEO Flash Programming

My recommended Flash SEO method uses a DIV with search-engine-accessible, primary content, and an open source Javascript function called swfobject() to detect when browsers are capable of viewing Flash. When an appropriate version of Flash player is present, the Javascript manipulates the page's document object model (DOM) to replace the primary content with the Flash movie. Most search engine spiders can't handle Flash, so they will elect to view the primary content. The primary content may contain links, headings, styled text, images—anything we can add to an ordinary HTML page. With SEO copyediting and coding skills applied to the primary content, Flash becomes a non-issue.

Flash accessibility programming isn't spamming, as long as the primary content and the visible movie are essentially the same. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) specifically states that multimedia content should have an alternative representation available. Accessibility programming creates the benefit of presenting visual information without losing the visitors and search engines who depend upon textual content.

As of July 2007, I discussed this method with Dan Crow of Google. He warned that this programming method could draw attention because of the possibility for abuse. If you use this method, make sure the alternative content is a faithful representation of the Flash content, and avoid combining this with other coding methods that could be abused. While this SEO method is not abusive, it is aggressive because there is a small risk that the search engines could mistakenly decide that the primary content is a form of cloaking.

SWFObject 2.0

SWFObject 2.0 is an open source project based on Geoff Sterns' original SWFobject() and UFO (Unobtrusive Flash Objects) by Bobby van der Sluis. As reported at swfobject, Adobe is likely to include swfobject() in future releases of its web development tools.

Scalable Inman Flash Replacement

If you are only using Flash to enhance headings, quotes, or callout text, a method called Scalable Inman Flash Replacement is an excellent choice. SIFR automatically pulls text from an HTML document and modifies the Document Object Model to replace the text with a Flash rendering of the appropriate font. SIFR makes it easy to modify the text, and ensures that your Flash text always matches your HTML text, reducing the risk of abuse.

The drawback of SIFR is that it only handles the presentation of simple text. Complex Flash animations, such as menus, slide shows, and interactive presentations can not be programmed easily with SIFR. For these types of Flash, SWFOBJECT and UFO are more effective.

Example: Making Flash Home Page Spiderable

The sample code below is derived from the home page of TrueVector Technologies which includes two Flash objects. The content of that page can now be indexed because search engines can read the HTML-coded content, while visitors with Javascript and Flash can view enhanced visual content.

<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/swfobject.js">
<script type="text/javascript">
var flashvars = {};
var params = {
wmode: "transparent"
var attributes = {};

var flashvars2 = {};
var params2 = {
wmode: "transparent"
var attributes2 = {};

"myContent", "760", "350", "9.0.0",
flashvars, params, attributes);

"headerbanner2", "760", "220", "9.0.0",
flashvars2, params2, attributes2); </script>


<!--primary content, for non-Flash visitors-->
<div id="myContent">
<img src="/images/home-top.jpg" border="0"
alt="TrueVector Technologies" height="350" width="760">

<div id="headerbanner2">
<h1>TrueVector <em>noun</em></h1>

  • 1) a tool designed to enhance web site navigation.
  • 2) by eliminating clumsy dropdown boxes and checklists.
  • 3) giving users easier access to data or inventory.
  • 4) leading to an enjoyable surfing experience.
  • 5) resulting in higher click-through rates and longer site visits.
  • 6) which lead to more return visits and site referrals.
  • 7) ultimately ending in true Vector's customers suffering <strong>higher profits</strong>.</p> <p><strong>Syn:</strong>Interactive Map/ Flash Map/ Zip Code Map/Rate Center Map/ Store Locator Map/ Real Estate Map/TrueVector Flash Map/ US Interactive Map</p></div>

Flash accessibility programming will not magically cause a site to rise to the top of the rankings, but this Flash SEO method will eliminate any ranking disadvantages associated with Flash.

We've used this Flash SEO method on many high traffic sites. The code has been served hundreds of thousands of times. Sites using this Flash SEO method have achieved top rankings for keywords found only in the Flash content.

All Flash Sites

A site built entirely with Flash suffers a great disadvantage because it lacks page structure to organize the content, internal linking, and unique page titles. One remedy is to create distinct HTML pages to represent each Flash "page," and install the Flash movie on each and every one of the HTML pages. When a visitor requests the page, they'll see Flash if they can handle it. Otherwise, a non-Flash visitor, such as a search engine, will be able to spider the site. If a user follows a search result onto one of the inner pages, they'll get the same Flash experience because the movie is available on every page. Another approach is to divide the Flash into pieces and put the relevant piece on each page.

Slicing up the Flash can result in page transitions that don't provide the seamless effect that you want to create. To get the best of both worlds, pass a parameter into the Flash movie using FlashVars. The same movie can appear on each HTML page, but depending on the parameter value, the movie can start at an appropriate point to show the Flash content that corresponds to that page. To get rid of all the extra pages, but still be able to reference different parts of the Flash piece, add a # and a tag to the end of each URL, and pass that tag into the Flash. This approach can make the back and forward buttons work properly, and allow people to bookmark specific parts of the Flash site.

It is also possible to use PHP scripts to pull both the primary HTML content, and the Flash content from a MySQL database. This approach would greatly simplify the maintenance of an accessible Flash site by storing only one representation of the content.

Relevance Play Major Role in Real-Time Web


Posted by Pradeep | Posted in , , | Posted on 8:05 PM

Search is a natural starting point for discovering the world's information, and we strive to bring you the freshest, most comprehensive and relevant search results over an ever expanding universe of content on the multitude of devices you use to access it.

That's why today, at the Computer History Museum, we're excited to share a few new innovations in the areas of real-time, mobile and social search that we feel are important steps in the evolution of information access.

First, we're introducing new features that bring your search results to life with a dynamic stream of real-time content from across the web. Now, immediately after conducting a search, you can see live updates from people on popular sites like Twitter and FriendFeed, as well as headlines from news and blog posts published just seconds before. When they are relevant, we'll rank these latest results to show the freshest information right on the search results page.

Try searching for your favorite TV show, sporting event or the latest development on a recent government bill. Whether it's an eyewitness tweet, a breaking news story or a fresh blog post, you can find it on Google right after it's published on the web.

Here's how it looks:

Our real-time search enables you to discover breaking news the moment it's happening, even if it's not the popular news of the day, and even if you didn't know about it beforehand. For example, in the screen shot, the big story was about GM's stabilizing car sales, which shows under "News results." Nonetheless, thanks to our powerful real-time algorithms, the "Latest results" feature surfaces another important story breaking just seconds before: GM's CEO stepped down.

Click on "Latest results" or select "Latest" from the search options menu to view a full page of live tweets, blogs, news and other web content scrolling right on Google. You can also filter your results to see only "Updates" from micro-blogs like Twitter, FriendFeed, Jaiku and others. Latest results and the new search options are also designed for iPhone and Android devices when you need them on the go, be it a quick glance at changing information like ski conditions or opening night chatter about a new movie — right when you're in line to buy tickets.

And, as part of our launch of real-time on Google search, we've added "hot topics" to Google Trends to show the most common topics people are publishing to the web in real-time. With this improvement and a series of other interface enhancements, Google Trends is graduating from Labs.

Our real-time search features are based on more than a dozen new search technologies that enable us to monitor more than a billion documents and process hundreds of millions of real-time changes each day. Of course, none of this would be possible without the support of our new partners that we're announcing today: Facebook, MySpace, FriendFeed, Jaiku and — along with Twitter, which we announced a few weeks ago.

The new features will be rolling out in the next few days and will be available globally in English. You can try them out today by visiting Google Trends and clicking on a "hot topic," which in most cases will bring you to a search results page with the new real-time feature.

Here's a first look at our real-time search:

We have also made some new strides with mobile search. Today's sensor-rich smartphones are redefining what "query" means. Beyond text, you can now search by a number of new modes including voice, location and sight — all from a mobile device. So we've been working to improve technology that takes advantage of these capabilities.

Starting today, we're extending our voice search capabilities on Android devices to recognize Japanese. In addition, we're using the location of your mobile phone to launch some helpful features, like showing you "what's nearby." Finally, at our event this morning, we demonstrated Google Goggles, a visual search application that lets you search for objects using images rather than words, using your camera phone. For more information on these mobile innovations, check out the Google Mobile Blog.

As we've written before, search is still an unsolved problem and we're committed to making it faster and easier for people to access a greater diversity of information, delivered in real-time, from across the web. I'm tremendously excited about these significant new real-time search features.

Update on 12/8: Check out the video from our Search Event:

BE Aware of fraud online: Make 1000s of Dollars!" or "Easy Cash with Google


Posted by Pradeep | Posted in , | Posted on 7:06 PM

"Use Google to Make 1000s of Dollars!" or "Easy Cash with Google: You Could be Making up to $978 a Day Working from Home!" You may have seen offers like these using Google's name or logo that sounded too good to be true. Unfortunately, nearly all of them are, and, despite hundreds of consumer complaints and our own efforts to keep these sites from tricking people, some scams continue. To fight back, we're working to stop various fraudulent "Google Money" schemes, and this week filed suit against Pacific WebWorks and several other unnamed defendants.

Google hasn't created or endorsed any of the sites like those described in our complaint. Misleading ads try to take advantage of consumers in the midst of a difficult economy, and as the economic situation has worsened, the problem has only grown. As far as we can tell, thousands of people have been tricked into sending payment information and being charged hidden fees by questionable operations.

Even as we're taking legal action to try to cut these sites off at the source, we're still working constantly to remove scammy URLs from our index, and we'll permanently disable AdWords accounts that provide a poor or harmful user experience, whether or not they use Google's trademarks illegally. That said, we can't guarantee that schemes like these won't pop up, like the proverbial "Whack-A-Mole", someplace else online — either on a different network or under a different name.

We can solve only part of the problem — the rest is up to you. Just as you should be careful about giving out financial information in the real world, you should be skeptical and review any offers online before sending any information, and always be on guard when presented with an offer that seems too good to be true. Below is a significantly abridged list of some names that we know are suspect. For more tips on how to spot a scam online or what to do if you think you or someone you know has been tricked, check out this earlier post.

Although there's no secret kit that can guarantee riches, many people really do make money online. In our experience, the best way to build a business on the web is to really serve users — offer useful products and services or write about something you have a passionate interest in. If you are wondering if a particular program is legit, Google's business and advertising programs can be found from our home page, and the best place to find real jobs at Google is

Names to be wary of: Google Adwork, Google ATM, Google Biz Kit, Google Cash, Earn Google Cash Kit, Google Fortune, Google Marketing Kit, Google Profits, The Home Business Kit for Google, Google StartUp Kit, and Google Works.

(Benefits of Sitemaps) Advantages of HTML Sitemap


Posted by Pradeep | Posted in , , , | Posted on 9:06 PM

HTML Sitemap or XML Sitemap – Which is more valuable?

Google software engineer Matt Cutts answers a question from a SEO in India about whether it’s better to build a HTML sitemap or XML sitemap.

An HTML sitemap is basically a good old fashioned landing page that contains links to all the pages on your website. It’s very useful for users trying to locate specific information. Larger sites may require several HTML sitemap pages but for smaller sites, they are a perfect resource for visitors trying to figure out what’s on your site.

Check out SEO Advantage’s HTML sitemap here…as you can see, all of our important pages are linked from this page. A visitor looking for SEO services can go here and easily find what they’re looking for.

An XML sitemap can have several files but is only visible to search engine spiders.

So when asked which one to prioritize, Cutts says an HTML sitemap since it’s viewable by both site visitors and search engine spiders.

Remember, Cutts is a software engineer not a SEO professional but he is correct in his assessment of the workability of each type of sitemap.

Creating an XML sitemap is very easy once you create an HTML sitemap according to Rusty Brick at S.E. Roundtable. Therefore, he suggests making both so you can be sure all of your pages are properly indexed.

Watch the quick video to learn more.

How to Configure Wordpress Database(MYSQL)?


Posted by Pradeep | Posted in , , | Posted on 7:54 AM

How to Install wordpress in Local System with XAMPP

Using XAMPP for Local WordPress Theme Development - leading image.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to install and configure XAMPP for the desktop. Once that’s out of the way, we’ll install WordPress so that you can have your very own professional, light-weight PHP and WordPress development environment.


To sum it up in one sentence: XAMPP, which stands for Cross-Platform (X) Apache, MySQL, PHP and Perl, is a popular, free and open source web server package that you can use to install a web server onto your desktop.

XAMPP home page.

XAMPP allows you to develop PHP and Perl-based server-side scripting applications without the need for a remote web server, offering you the opportunity to work faster, develop stuff more securely, and work on your apps without an internet connection.

In this tutorial – you’ll see exactly how XAMPP can do splendid things to your development cycles.

We’re going to use a simple xampple (sorry, I had to get that out of the way, been thinking about saying that for a long time): we’re going to install XAMPP and WordPress with some test data to have WordPress right on our desktop.

This tutorial is for Windows Vista, so you’ll have to tweak the steps involved depending on your operating system. Here’s what you’ll be doing in this tutorial:


  • Downloading and Installing XAMPP
  • Starting up your Apache and MySQL services
  • Installing and configuring WordPress locally
  • Creating a MySQL database for WordPress
  • Creating a MySQL database user for WordPress in phpMyAdmin
  • Importing some test data for WordPress using an XML file

This tutorial covers installing XAMPP in Windows Vista, so you’ll have to tweak the steps a little bit if you’re using a different operating system.

Obtaining XAMPP and choosing a version

1 Obtain a copy of XAMPP for Linux, Windows, or Mac OS X at the apache friends XAMPP web page.

XAMPP home page.

2 Choose the package you want: for normal web development, just go with the Basic Package.

The Basic Package comes with a host of useful applications, libraries, and extensions such as phpMyAdmin (which we’ll use to set up WordPress later on) and eAccelerator (a popular PHP caching application to optimize and improve PHP script performance). For this tutorial, choose the Installer version.

Download it (Save File) onto your computer.

3 Open up the executable (for Windows users, it’s called xampp-win32-1.7.1-installer.exe).

download XAMPP

Download Installer.

The following figure shows the first dialog box; it asks you to select which language you want to use.

Select language.

The next dialog you’ll see is the first page of the XAMPP Setup Wizard.

XAMPP Setup Wizard

4 Pick a destination for the installation.

Note: XAMPP suggests not to install it in the Program Files folder (i.e. C:\Program Files\xampp), so just install it in the root of your drive (C:\xampp)

5 Configure your options in the XAMPP Options dialog box. For this tutorial, just go with the default installation options.

XAMPP Options

That’s it for the installation, quick and painless wasn’t it? Let’s fire up Apache and MySQL.

Starting up your Apache and MySQL services

6 After the installation, you should’ve been presented with an option that asks you to open the XAMPP Control Panel. If you didn’t get that option, do one of the following:

Option 1: Navigate to it using the Windows interface

Start > All Programs > Apache Friends > XAMPP > XAMPP Control Panel

Option 2: Open the XAMPP Control Panel directly

If you didn’t select the "Create Shortcut" option in the installation, then navigate to the XAMPP installation folder and open the file called xampp-control.exe.

Control Panel.

7 The XAMPP Control Panel should look like the following figure:

XAMPP Control Panel

8 Click the Start button beside Apache. If you’re on Windows, you’ll get a Windows Firewall warning: choose Unblock.

Start Apache unblock.

9 If all goes well, you should see the XAMPP Control Panel log updated with "Apache Started", and "Running" with a green background right beside the Apache service.

Apache running.

10 Start the MySQL service using the same method as step 8.

Both services running.

Testing to see if it works

11 With your Apache and MySQL services started, open up a web browser and navigate to localhost using the following path:


12 You should see the following screen:

welcome screen.

Congratulations, you now have your very own locally hosted (localhost) web server!

Depending on your operating system, you’re now the proud owner of a WAMP (Windows users), MAMP (Mac OS X users) or LAMP (badass Linux users) server right there inside your computer.

Now let’s move onto installing WordPress on your machine. First, we’re going to set up your WordPress MySQL database and create a MySQL database user for it. That’s the topic for the next section.

Setting up your MySQL database for WordPress

The easiest way to create a MySQL database using XAMPP would be to use phpMyAdmin, which comes with the Basic Package that we installed.

13 Navigate to phpMyAdmin through your web browser. The URL is:


14 Create your WordPress database by entering in a name and pressing the Create button.

In this tutorial, we’ll call it wordpress_db. You’ll need to remember this value for a later step when we configure WordPress.

wordpress_db creation.

This is what the following screen will look like:

Created DB.

Creating a WordPress database user

In real-world scenarios, you should never use the default root user because it has all privileges and you don’t want a simple WordPress bug or vulnerability taking down your entire MySQL service.

This isn’t necessary if you’re only testing locally, but we’re going to do this right to promote best practices.

15 Go to phpMyAdmin home by either clicking on the logo on the top left or clicking on the home icon.

phpmyadmin home.

16 Click on the Privileges tab.

Previledge tab.

17 Click on "Add a New User"

Add a New User

18 For the User name field, type in any name, this tutorial uses wordpress_user for simplicity. For Host, select Local.

For Password, type in a value, but it’s highly recommended that you use the Generate Password button to randomly generate a password for better security.

Once you hit the Generate Password button, click on Copy button right beside it to copy it automatically in the Password and Re-type fields.

Important: take a note of the User name and Password you used, we’ll be using it later on.

Here are the settings used:

DB Settings.

19 Set the Global Privileges of wordpress_user. Typically, you should try to limit the privileges of your database users to a minimum to improve security.

For this example, since it’s a local installation – just check all of them. When you go into production, pare down the privileges!

Hit the Go button to create the database user.

Go button.

20 If everything went well, you’ll see a confirmation that you’ve created the user successfully.

Success screen.

Adding your newly created user to your database

21 In the next screen, in the Database-specific privileges fieldset, in the Add privileges on the following database field, select wordpress\_db.

This will add wordpress_user as a database user of your wordpress table, wordpress_db.


22 Check that wordpress_user has been added to the database by entering your database.

To enter your database, click on wordpress_db in the left-hand navigation.

left-hand navigation

23 Click the Privilege tab to see all users that have access to your WordPress database. You should see wordpress_user listed in the Privilege section.


Alright, you’ve just learned how to create a MySQL database user using phpMyAdmin. Give yourself a pat in the back before moving on!

Installing WordPress on your computer

If you’re not familiar with the process of installing WordPress, you should take a look at the following guide on the official site first:

This guide will get you up and running with the general process that we’ll be taking. Please take a moment and read it – I promise, it’ll be quick and painless.

24 Download the latest version of WordPress, save it on your computer.

25 Open your xampp folder. Navigate to the htdocs folder.

If you used the default installation destination, the file path is:


26 Open up the WordPress ZIP file you downloaded. Extract the entire contents in the htdocs folder.

ZIP file you downloaded

Configuring WordPress: entering your MySQL database information

27 Inside the wordpress folder, open wp-config-sample.php file using your favorite text editor.

Fill in the information with your database information. If you followed along and used the same values as this tutorial, you can use these values:

/** The name of the database for WordPress */
define('DB_NAME', 'wordpress_db');
/** MySQL database username */
define('DB_USER', 'wordpress_user');
/** MySQL database password */
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'typeyourpasswordhere');
/** MySQL hostname */
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');

28 Once you’re done with the configuration file, save it as wp-config.php in the same folder.

Note: You have to save it as wp-config.php and not wp-config-sample.php.

Running the WordPress install script

29 To finish the installation of WordPress, navigate to the install script. Here’s the file path:


30 If you did everything correctly, you should be greeted by the following screen:

install success.

31 Just hit the Install WordPress button, and follow the steps. If this is your first WordPress installation, read the steps of the installation dialog carefully as we won’t be covering it here in detail.

Testing to see if your WordPress installation works

32 Navigate to the home page of your WordPress installation. The file path is:


If everything went well, you should see the default WordPress home page:

default WordPress home page

Important: take a note of the auto-generated password or else you won’t be able to log into WordPress.

WordPress local installation completed!

Woot, you just installed WordPress on your computer! No more FTP’ing or live web development! You can now test your themes or test site updates before going live.

At this stage, you can log into the WordPress administration section:


Alternatively, you can continue in the tutorial (because we’re not done yet).

Next, we’re going to import some test data which you should do when you’re developing WordPress themes to be released to the public.

Importing WordPress test data

33 Download the WordPress XML file from the official site. You can get it through the Theme Development Checklist (which is a great guide by the way), under the Theme Unit Test section.

Here's the direct download link:

Download XML file.

34 Log into the WordPress administration section:


Admin section.

35 In the WordPress admin section, go to Tools > Import (using the sidebar navigation on version 2.7).

Tools import.

36 In the Import page, click on WordPress.

Import page.

37 Browse to the XML file we downloaded (test-data.xxxx-xx-xx.xml).

Hit the Upload file and Import button.

Upload file.

38 Assign the authors of the post. The XML file created a testing author named Noel Jackson for you.

If you don't want to assign the test posts to Noel Jackson, use the or map to existing field and select the author you want. For this tutorial, assign it to admin.


Click the Submit button.

39 You'll be presented with a log of all the changes made by the import process. Examine it if you want to see exactly what happened.


40 Check to see if the import went according to plan. Easiest way is to go to the home page of your WordPress installation (http://localhost/wordpress).

41 In the home page, you'll see that there's now content for your WordPress installation. This way you can easily check and test your theme for public release.


You're done, you professional PHP/WordPress developer!

Now you can develop WordPress themes and test changes locally on your computer, just like the pro's, not only speeding up your development cycles, but also being able to securely test updates to your existing themes.

Where to go from here

Here are things you should try and do to explore XAMPP:

Try to install a free WordPress theme

Go to the WordPress Themes section for themes you'd like to try out. Alternatively, check out our lists of free WordPress themes: Excellent Free WordPress Themes and Beautiful Free WordPress Themes.

Create a new site

Create a folder under the xampp > htdocs and put some test PHP scripts in it. As you can see, you don't need a web server anymore, you have a fully-featured MySQL and PHP server right there in your computer. Go develop some cool web applications!

Explore additional XAMPP add-ons

There are a good number of XAMPP add-ons for you to extend your local web server. Check them out and install the ones you need. Go to either the Windows, Linux, or Mac OS X download pages to see a list of add-ons you can install.


In this tutorial, you just learned how easy it is to install XAMPP to the desktop so that you can have your very own PHP web development testing server. More specifically, this is what we did together:

  • Installed XAMPP
  • Started the Apache and MySQL Services
  • Created a MySQL database
  • Created a MySQL database user
  • Installed and configured WordPress
  • Imported some test data